The Calgary Airport Authority: Preparing for the technology needs of the 21st century (October 2017)
The Calgary Airport Authority (YYC) has recently opened a large International terminal and a new runway to service it’s rapidly-growing international markets. Calgary is becoming increasingly recognized as a centre for global businesses and international travel. Making the transition to one of Canada’s premiere international airports is no small task and it presents a number of technology-based challenges and opportunities. How the CEO and CIO work together to address those challenges and pursue the opportunities is an important aspect of the longer-term success and transformation of the organization.
Bob Sartor (CEO) and Mike Maxwell (CIO) are the team facing these challenges. Both are relatively recent appointments at YYC and they each bring a wealth of experience from their previous organizational roles to ensure that YYC is well-positioned to be the leader in global business and traveler circles. Together, they will provide us with background for these challenges and discuss how they are working – both together and with their other senior leadership team colleagues and customers – to ensure that YYC is exceptionally well prepared for the next stages of its growth.
Members can download the slides from the presentation by clicking the icon below.