Toronto Chapter Poll

We usually move the Beers with Peers events around the GTA to make them more accessible to our members.  The March Beers with Peers will be in Mississauga.  In planning the May event, we have had some requests to move it north.  Please let us know your wishes by answering the poll below. [poll id=”2″]

Putting Boundaries Around Innovation?

When a company implements an innovation initiative to improve the customer engagement models, it is important to remember that many functions in the organization touch the customer. Therefore, limiting the change to customer-facing groups and putting boundaries around innovation can yield detrimental results.

Digital Innovation & the Changing Role of the CIO

Emerging technology platforms and tools offer CIOs a great opportunity to become innovation leaders within their businesses. If they don’t seize this opportunity, someone else will. In fact this is the theme of the upcoming CIO Association’s marquee event: The Peer Forum 2016 (

Internet of Things


The Toronto Chapter hosted an event in September 2015 on the Internet of Things featuring  Shawn Sanderson, VP IoT Telus as the speaker. The following are notes from the session: What is the Internet of Things? Interconnection of systems, people, and everyday objects to capture, analyze, manage, and exchange information. There is massive growth in …

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The CIO and The Board of Directors

At a recent CIO Association Toronto Chapter meeting we were fortunate to have Lib Gibson, Adjunct Professor in the Strategic Management area, Scott Campbell, a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors of Canada and a former CIO for the Ontario Government, and our own Dave Codack talk about the CIO and IT from the perspective the Board of Directors.