New KPIs Instigated by and to Drive Behavior Change for Digital Operations


Authored by: Bill Keyworth, Vice President of Research, IDC Track Speaker, April 10, 2018, CIO Peer Forum Digital technologies and the new business models they fuel have significantly impacted most enterprises. Executives are called upon to leverage digital transformation (DX) to change and disrupt their business, customers, markets, and competitors. This shift is driving tremendous changes …

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IDC Canada’s 2018 ICT Predictions


  IDC Canada’s 2018 Predictions provide the vision and insight CIOs in Canada need to navigate the rapidly changing landscape. Please join the Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary CIOCAN Chapter events welcoming IDC’s representatives to present ten key developments in the tech world that will impact Canadian organizations and their ability to grow and compete. Click on the event location to register:  Toronto …

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2017 IDC Predictions


2017 IDC Predictions The Toronto Chapter held their first event of the New Year, welcoming International Data Corporation (IDC) and association members to the University Club, in downtown Toronto. The presentation of the predictions opened the floor to an interactive session for group feedback and discussion throughout the evening. Presenters and contributors for the presentation …

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Toronto Chapter celebrates 5 years of IDC Annual Predictions events.

The Fifth Annual  Toronto Chapter event was held on January 28 at the comfortably classy University Club of Toronto. Along with the research results and insights provided by the speakers, attendee participation, through polling of the audience and lively dialogue, made the content even more relevant and helpful.           Comments from …

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IDC Top Executive Survey 2015

Would you like to peek into other companies to see how they do things and what’s on their mind? The CIO Association of Canada partnered with IDC on a recent survey the results of which were shared via a webinar.This in-depth look at how Canada’s C-suite perceives the technological issues of the day is available …

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