CIO Crises: Write 3 Letters!


There is a version of an old joke about a CIO starting an exciting new position and being given three letters by their immediate predecessor to be only opened during times of great crisis. When the first crisis hit, the CIO opened the first letter and it stated “blame your predecessor”, which the CIO did …

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CIOs: Soar like an eagle while surrounded by turkeys?


CIOs are tasked with providing digital technologies leadership on organizational transformation initiatives and are often in the middle of these massive efforts. This means that they must deal with all manner of people and with different levels of seniority within the organization. Success or failure of these initiatives can be highly dependent on the strength …

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CIO Lessons Learned and Shared: CIO Career Strategy – Managing for Success

Over the course of almost three years, a series of 10 blogs were written and published related to my extensive career experiences as a Chief Information Officer (CIO) within the retail and telecom industries and as the President for the CIO Association of Canada (2011 to 2016). The purpose of these blogs was to share my …

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CIO Coach Reflections


By: Gary Davenport It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it is living the life of a CIO. What advice do you give to a new CIO? Being a CIO can be a wonderful career experience. However, it is not for the faint of heart nor the weak in spirit. …

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Learn How Your Industry Is Utilizing IoT From The Industry Leaders That Know It Best – Industry and Business


We are pleased to share an excerpt from an article published on Media Planet by Ignacio Paz of Rogers Communications, in which Gary Davenport, President CIO Association of Canada, shares his insights on IoT: All Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are constantly searching for opportunities to improve their organizations’ efficiency and effectiveness. This pursuit means being able to …

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