Lunch with IBM’s Watson


Cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, or augmented intelligence: no matter what name is used, this disruptive technology will create transformative change in many industries. The Calgary Chapter September luncheon event was organized to ensure that our CIOCAN members aren’t blind-sided by this phenomenon. Those who were able to join us had the chance to explore with …

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CIOCAL Discussion: Cognitive Computing

What happens when you bring together our CIOCAL members with an industry leader in Cognitive Computing? You get a vibrant discussion that explores the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on our value chains, workforce , technology plans, and change management challenges.  Stephen Leonard, General Manager for IBM North America, led a discussion for us which explored the implications that …

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CEO CIO Alignment Program


A webinar held on March 2 introduced the CEO CIO Alignment Program.  If you missed the webinar, you can watch a recording of the session here.    You will be asked for a passcode, which is CIOCAN2016.  Anyone who is interested in participating in the program can join by sending an e-mail to the CIO Association …

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Gartner Insights


Attendees enjoyed an evening of stimulating content and peer-to-peer networking.

Gartner Insights 2016


If you missed the Gartner Insight 2016 event in Calgary on January 21, 2016, you missed out!  Attendees enjoyed the topic which was an excellent mix of leadership, psychology and technology.  It was a thought provoking session which was presented with relevance and speed.  One attendee asked for more events like this which would be …

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Calgary Board Gains Strength

As part of our continued effort to enhance engagement and improvement to our chapter, the following 2 members have been elected to be part of the Calgary CIOCAN Board.  Greg Bratton – Director, Information Technology – SECURE Energy Services  Thomas Schmidt – VP of Information Technology – PWT Both of these members have …

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