The CIO Association of Canada has named Sky’s The Limit as its national charity of choice. Through this partnership, both organizations can achieve their missions of developing the next generation of IT leaders. Sky’s the Limit’s mission is to provide laptops to youth in need in order to enable their IT skills development, career opportunities and support their journey as future IT leaders in Canada. Their goal is that every youth in Canada who needs a laptop has one.
Again this year they are offering a summer program to build skills, knowledge, and confidence among young people. As a long-time supporter, the CIO Association is asking members to consider volunteering as session instructors for the two camps that are being arranged for July 5 – 6 in Scarborough and July 10 – 12 in Regent Park. The sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes each, and cover topics such as internet safety, online marketing, social media presence, website design, it careers, and HTML. If you are able to participate in either of these camps, please contact Caroline McIntosh.
Moustafa Naguib leading a session at STL Camp, July 2016