White Paper – Low-Code Development for CIOs: Essential Recommendations for IT Leaders

CIOCAN has published a new whitepaper with support by DAZZM. “The increased demand for application development comes from many directions. Where CIOsmight have once focused their developers on operational applications that support the backoffice, the quest to enhance customer experiences has prompted the call for more ways to engagedigitally. This not only includes e-commerce processes …

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White Paper – Blueprint: The Engine Behind Ransomware

A new white paper has been published by the CISO Division of CIOCAN with support by Calian Group Ltd. In today’s digital landscape, no business is immune to the threat of ransomware. This comprehensive report aims to demystify the financial motivations, guide you through risk assessment, and explore the impact of emerging technologies. Please download this …

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Death by Assessment

Not Another Assessment, Please! For most of us, the specter of yet another cybersecurity risk assessment around the corner is daunting. Did we not just have a consulting firm conduct a cybersecurity assessment and provide us a 50-page report? And didn’t we in the same period have internal audit, external audit, and a regulator conduct …

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Identity Access Management White Paper – August 2020

Identity Access CISO

In May and June 2020, the CIO Association of Canada convened some of Canada’s top experts in information security for a series of frank online discussions. These programs were under the Chatham House Rule, so speakers (except for the two presenters) are not identified by name or title. Still, we can peek over their shoulders …

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Leading CIOs Tackle the Challenge of Data


When 30 of Canada’s leading CIOs connected at the 2018 annual CanadianCIO Summit, one of the key concerns was deriving the full value from disparate sources of data. The leaders spoke confidently as they described data as the new oil, or currency, of the business landscape, but admitted they may be falling short when it came to …

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