Fariba Anderson, CEO, AcuteNet Inc.

Dean Doige, President, LightHorse Innovation Corporation, a division of Clark Builders

Humza Teherany, Chief Innovation Officer, Compass Group Canada Limited

For some, the move from CIO to CEO or another C-suite position represents a step-up in leadership and a complete change of paradigm. Typically most of the interactions CIOs have are with internal business partners. As CEO or CMO the stakeholder mix is much broader and often includes customers, government agencies and the board, in addition to company employees. Being adept at navigating the various audiences and communicating clearly ased on the specific audience needs is an important skill. Having a broader vision for employees to rally around and prioritizing the needs of various departments is a balancing act.

Most CEOs are in constant networking mode, which represents both a challenge and an opportunity for CIOs.  A broader C-suite mandate requires the ability to significantly broaden your network, broker connections and understand the challenges others are facing.

There are several ways to prepare for the next step in your career ladder. You can start by joining a board where you can learn a great deal about organizational structures, business models, and what will be asked of you when you are working for them.  Also in embracing a new career direction you have to learn how to let go of the “tactical” and embrace the “the strategic”, becoming the consumer not the provider.

The practitioners on our Career Shifts Showcase will share insights into how and why they made the move from CIO to their new positions. For more details and to register for the CIO Peer Forum, click here.